INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS based on software development
We provide high-quality services for application on the areas of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), events dynamisation, technological development in health, interactive video, gamification, mobile applications, Full Stack development and Cloud Computing.
Additionally, we are experts in artificial intelligence, integrating innovative solutions that optimize processes and enhance user experience across all our projects. Our expertise in AI allows us to develop intelligent applications, data analysis systems, and automation, positioning us as leaders in the tech sector.
Consulting and custom software development
Agile software development, rapid prototyping, customized and scalable.

Why should you choose us?
Our working system allows us to develop rapid and cost-effective prototypes
Technological DNA
FK Interactive is a technology-based company created in 2015 as a spin-off of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. We develop products and services based on interactive solutions comprising the design, development and operation of software projects.
Our main objective is to offer effective solutions, in terms of quality and cost, and scalable for our clients. We have the capacity to develop rapid prototypes, innovative and recognised R+D projects, interactive technologies and multimedia resources.
FK Interactive's technological background combines interactive graphic representation systems, artificial intelligence, creative design and digital content marketing. This allows us to offer our clients integrated solutions quickly and cost-effectively.
With more than 15 years of expertise within the research groups Oreto and Artificial Intelligence and Representation, belonging to the UCLM, and the interrupted participation in projects together with several national and international partners.
How can we help you?
Offering you interactive solutions based on software development
At Furious Koalas we create unique user experiences by applying game mechanics through Gamification and our specialised service of customisable TV quizzes for companies. In this way we manage to increase motivation, concentration, the attention of a company’s consumers or employees, brand recognition…
The same applies to Serious Games, which are used in many areas of learning and training to improve knowledge retention. Combined with mobile applications, which we design on demand, the business opportunities grow exponentially.
Additionally, we incorporate Artificial Intelligence solutions that optimize interaction and personalize experiences. Our AI applications allow for real-time data analysis, behavior prediction, and personalized recommendations, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing strategies and user satisfaction.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: both techniques are being used extensively to enhance interactive marketing experiences, simulator training, video games and a multitude of other areas.
We apply the development of Simulators to recreate a context or situation virtually without the need to interact with the real world at a low cost.
What our clients say

Some of our partners